here's what happened...
In this eclectic musical drama, we will look through the eyes of Kal, a young black man struggling with deep depression and anxiety. He is living a cyclical life of resignation, doing the same thing day after day. While on his daily route to work in the industrial outskirts of Boston, Kal goes into a diner he has noticed before but never entered. Suddenly he finds himself thrust in the middle of a whimsically combative environment. The pastor, the loner, the troublemaker, the astrophysicist, the hard worker, and the wiseman confront each other on a myriad of topics. Hearing daily impassioned debates on spirituality, dating, the existence of stardust donuts, and the purpose of life itself, Kal is pushed to rigorously examine the universe around him and the universe within him,
In the wake of tragedy, he unlocks the hidden cosmic purpose of this diner, setting him on a new path toward deeper connection, and a desire to explore all that life has to offer

thoughts and connecion to the topic
Mental Health in our society has been ever growing in it's prevalence, but there is still a long road ahead. As further clinical studies push the advancement of treatment, it is equally vital for artistic voices to have the chance to put a focal point on the struggles in creative ways.
Specifically in the black community where mental health still feels largely stigmatized. As we as a culture are finding our footing more and more a beautiful thing is happening where the idea of what it means to be black in America is evolving as well. Where we no longer all share the same core ideals and values that used to bind us together. This is wonderful, and yet it means that we need more diverse representation in art, media, and yes - mental health care.
Connection to the Story:
Aaron Emmanuel wrote this story to mirror his own life in many ways. He describes this project saying "I didn't realize it at first, but I wrote a fairy tale to my depression". Imagining what life would be like without being suicidal, without crippling anxiety, or at least without fighting against those parts of him any more. Allowing them to exist without it being all consuming. Every facet of Emmanuel's life is pouring through the pages of the script. He worked as a waiter for three years, his father was a pastor of a church before his untimely death due to a massive heart attack, and you'll hear true accounts of how he has been pulled over by police over 30 times. The dialogue that has taken place just within the cast and crew as result of the story, has already been impactful on their own personal journeys.

what we hope for the future...
The desired impact of this work is three fold. First, it’s for people who struggle with similar mental health issues to hopefully feel seen. In the film industry oftentimes the attention is directed towards stories of more visible struggles such as people with schizophrenia, and bi-polar disorder. Whereas millions of people suffer from varying degrees of crippling depression and anxiety all across the country everyday. The second level, is by fusing stage and film together there's an opportunity to bring people into the inner workings of the mind of someone living with mental illness in this way. Thereby allowing family members to gain more insight, clarity, and empathy for the struggles of their loved ones. Lastly, the chance for healing connection. We are already in dialogue with a few New England based healthcare groups who want to use this production in their networks to garner deeper conversation around mental health as it pertains to people of color. The art, is only the beginning.